Cancellations/Amendments to Club Sessions (as at 13/10/24)

Date Pool Venue/Time Reason for Amendment/Cancellation Squads Affected
Sunday 20 October All Wally Hall morning AND evening sessions are cancelled today  All sessions are cancelled due to club championships taking place today

Affects LTS 5/6, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Age, NAR, Club 2 & Masters

Sunday 24 November All Wally Hall morning AND evening sessions are cancelled today  All sessions are cancelled due to club championships taking place today

Affects LTS 5/6, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Age, NAR, Club 2 & Masters

Sunday 1 December Morning session is reduced to 1 hour training from 9 to 10am for Age Dev. and NAR NAR & Age Development morning training is just 1 hour as the squad has Long Course training at K2 in the evening from 6.30 to 8.30pm

NAR & Age Development Squads only.  The Bronze squad morning session goes ahead as per usual.