Masters Events - 2022
At TSC we try to target certain competitive Masters events with a wish to get a good turn out and some relays together (entry forms are often not available until a month or two before each event and will clearly state entry deadline dates).
There is a list of local and key meets on the Kent website.
The national Masters events calendar can be accessed here
March*: Kent v Sussex Masters Challenge Cup is an annual competition, designed to involve Development Masters as well as Masters who regularly compete. There are usually 2 teams to represent both groups, which means that we will need 40-50 Kent Master swimmers to help us win this challenge gala. Warm up 1400 for a 1430 start and the event will be finished by 1700.
May: KCASA Masters Distance Championships are usually held annually in May to give every opportunity to our swimmers to gain qualifying time for National competitions.
June/July: KCASA Sprint Championships - the Championships continue in the format that we know and offer 100m and 50m in all strokes and also includes the 100m IM, plus relays.
(Kirsty Alfredson or Keith Roshier will co-ordinate entries for the externally hosted events above and put relays together - note that the Club pays for relay entries, but individuals' entry fees do apply).
There are several external Masters web sites with details of other external events / galas and you may find the following link of interest:
We also aim to put together some social events during the year in conjunction with the Club or simply a drink / meal after some of the events we participate in.