The health, safety and well-being of every swimmer at Tonbridge Swimming Club is our main concern as our aim is that swimmers will enjoy their time with us.
Safeguarding our swimmers is everyone’s responsibility and we want to work together in partnership with you to help all our swimmers to achieve their full potential.
To promote a safe environment for swimmers, our selection and recruitment policy follows the guidelines set down in the Wavepower 2024 Swim England Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures document.
It includes checks on Coaches’, Team Managers' and other volunteers’ suitability including DBS and other reference checks.
We provide our volunteers at the club with safeguarding training as recommended by Swim England and provided by UK Sport, UK Coaching or other recognised sporting bodies.
Our designated Welfare Officer is Suzie Hall. She is responsible for all safeguarding matters within the club. If you have any concerns or issues relating any safeguarding matters you can contact our Welfare Officer at [email protected]
A copy of our Child Protection Policy can be found by clicking on this link: Safeguarding Policy
We have adopted the Swim England safeguarding policies and procedures as laid out in the Wavepower Documentation. This is the framework we will follow in any safeguarding matters. To see more about Wavepower and Swim England's safeguarding procedures and policies please click on the Swim England Documents tab on the home page of the club website.
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